Why Having a Maintenance Plan is Important for Your WordPress Website
So now you have your WordPress website – it’s a beautiful marketing tool for your business, and you couldn’t be happier with it. It’s mobile responsive and works well on phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers.
You may have hired a WordPress website designer or developer to build your site. Or maybe you decided to take the time to learn WordPress basics: you found a free or inexpensive theme and learned how to work with it; you found free plugins to add all the functionality you want, then got everything up and running.
* Something to be wary of is that some themes and plugins, even those widely used, are often targeted by hackers looking for vulnerabilities to get into your site.
Now that your website’s done, you can return your full attention to working on your business. You can change the text images and add new pages and posts. Updating WordPress and the plugins looks easy enough; you see a notification that an update is available, then click to do the update. Why have an ongoing maintenance plan? You can do this yourself, right?
Ask yourself, “Will I do all of the following?:

This woman looks suspicious. Could she be causing problems on your WordPress website? Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash
- Back up the filesystem and database regularly, at least weekly, and before every update.
- Update WordPress, plugins, and themes promptly.
- Make sure everything still works properly after each update.
- Make sure all the plugins are kept updated by the plugin authors so that they are secure and compatible with the latest version of WordPress.
- Check the logs for increases in activity that tell you evil hacker bots are looking for ways to access your site; then put measures in place to keep your site safe from attacks.
> Brute force attacks quickly overload the server, which takes down your site.
If you answered yes to all of the above, great! And I encourage you to consider adding a Sucuri Website Security plan to continuously monitor and protect your website from malware, alert you if malware is detected, then remove it for you. This way, when you get busy and don’t get updates done immediately, your WordPress websites will be kept secure, up-to-date, and always available for visitors.
If you answered no to any of the above questions and would like ongoing support, consider a WordPress Website Care and Maintenance Plan – peace of mind included with all plans.
Still unsure? Consider the benefits of a WordPress Website Maintenance Plan.
Know you’re ready for ongoing care & maintenance of your WordPress website? Great! Contact Debbie to schedule a call.